Consumers Demand Social Consciousness From Brands / RBDR

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July 20, 2020

Today on RBDR: Converseon founder & CEO Rob Key says consumers are demanding that brands become proactively involved in solving great societal issues. The Converseon “Brand Purpose Favorability Index” is measuring the consumer standing of each brand.
Email to add your brand to the Index. And read this white paper:

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Study shows social can add to brand research (RBDR 1.19.2015)

RBDR is sponsored by SoapBoxSample, a member of the ISA family of companies, providing a fresh approach to online research.

Visit to access an article about consumer acceptance of passive metering, authored by SoapBoxSample Chief of Operations Jacqueline Rosales.

Today on RBDR: We interview the three key developers of a research study that demonstrated that social data is also quantitative and predictive, on top of what everyone accepts as its qualitative nature: University of Maryland Professor of Marketing Wendy Moe, Converseon CEO Rob Key and Rubinson Partners President Joel Rubinson.