Today is Data Privacy Day around the world; 2014: Will it be the Year of Data Analytics for marketers? Corporate Data Quality around the world is shockingly “poor,” says Experian Data Quality white paper (RBDR–1/28/14)

Today on RBDR, sponsored by KL Communications (

1) On global Data Privacy Day, MRA releases its Top 10 U.S. government officials who are involved and committed to the cause of consumer privacy. 2) The State of Marketing Report from Salesforce and ExactTarget makes the case that 2014 could be The Year of Data Analytics for Marketers. 3) Experian Data Quality’s “State of Data Quality White Paper” calls into question the quality of company data. On example from this damning report: U.S. companies believe 25% of their data is inaccurate. Think about that for a moment.

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