New Intel processor faster, more robust, boosting MR capabilities; India TV ratings go dark–may stay so for foreseeable future; Canada makes $4m investment in poultry research; Confirmit MyMobile cops Customer of Year Award; Yahoo & Carnegie Mellon collaborate on smartphone development (RBDR–2/20/2014)

Today: 1) Intel introduces its newest, fastest, most robust data processor, which will expand research’s data handling–including volumes–capabilities and speed. 2) India’s TV and readership ratings go dark as the current TAM group (Kantar and Nielsen) seek to reverse new media research ownership guidelines. 3) Canada’s Agricultural Minister invests $4 million with Canadian Poultry Research Council to firm up the agribusiness sector. 4) Confirmit’s MYMobile app wins the TMC Customer 2014 of the Year Award. 5) Yahoo! Labs and Carnegie Mellon University researchers will collaborate in the next five years on smartphone app development and algorithms that can predict human behavior.