Suggestions for Pollsters so that Trump-like Victory is Not a Surprise | RBDR

November 28th, 2016. Today on RBDR:

1) AOL announces to its employees that a corporate restructuring will make DATA one of the three corporate focuses.

2) Andrew Grenville of MARU/Matchbox makes the case that election pollsters should create an online community that it can return to over an extended period of a campaign. It can shine a light on changes in voter attitudes and behavior, making it far more valuable than one-time survey takers.

3) Recommended viewing: this week’s Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN for a segment he produced with Steven Johnson concerning the traditional positive impact of “fun,” which points to research’s adoption of gamification as an important initiative.

RBDR is sponsored this week by Toluna, a leading digital insights provider that provides a suite of Experience Measurement solutions. Toluna works with one of the largest US-based retail organizations to measure in-store customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy via a dedicated CEM reporting system.

Register for a Toluna CEM-themed webinar today and learn how a #1 retailer drives top-line business results with Toluna: click here!

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Info Age less relevant than 80s Industrial Age? 5 Key Future Points for MR Pros. (RBDR 04.11.2016)

Today on RBDR:

1) This past Sunday’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” contained a mini-debate about the relative lack of impact from the current information age comparatively speaking with the 1890s Industrial Age. We recommend viewing this 8-minute segment. Watch it by clicking here.

2) An ESOMAR webinar focused on key issues around the future of market researchers, and came up with five key points.

RBDR is sponsored by Q-Oasis, a self-service marketing research solution for professionals. Q-Oasis is the only platform that delivers industrial-strength, easy-to-use, unrestricted survey building blocks for free and is powered by 22-year industry expert Socratic Technologies. Visit their website.

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