November 8, 2017. Today on RBDR:

The largest client research departments are spending less on traditional research. A new trend may be emerging among small client research departments: opting to use DIY rather than trusted outside suppliers.

RBDR is sponsored this week by RFL Client Consulting, the new service designed to deliver state-of-the-art, unique services such as PR guidance for NP & Service launches, facilitation on your behalf with your procurement department and MR Agency selection. Using experiences and the expertise collected from over 300 client research organizations and thousands of research agency organizations over 24 years, RFL Client Consulting is ready to boost a client or MR agency’s effectiveness and efficiency.

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One thought on “DIY a New Trend for Small Client MR Departments | RBDR

  1. Hi Bob.

    Good commentary and I have certainly seen the effects that the large client MR dept. shared with you … lots more DIY.

    Let me share another observation. We believe a lot of businesses are flush with cash, but are sitting on the sidelines right now in terms of external spend on MR (and any sort of professional consulting). I think they’re waiting to see if the “Trump rally” is real, and they are waiting to see if the GOP tax bill becomes a reality before year end. Our business is fine, but jobs are smaller versus what we have seen in prior years (especially versus 2013 – 2014). Related to all this, we did notice in the last two years of the Obama administration businesses taking a more wait and see approach to MR.

    Just some humble thoughts.

    Thanks for your daily updates.

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