How the one UK pollster accurately predicted Brexit result. (RBDR 07.11.2016)

Today on RBDR:

1) One UK pollster correctly predicted that the populace would vote to leave the EU. How “Qriously” did it.

2) Chief Marketing Officers are taking control of responsibility of customer experience as part of a bigger evolution in which CMOs are being perceived more as revenue producers and far less as drains through marketing expenditures.

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Jay Wilson, 77, is dead. Why SSI bought MROps. Advice for CMO: MR (RBDR 3.25.2015)

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Today on RBDR: 1) Jay Wilson, a powerful research executive and influence for decades in the research industry, died Sunday at 77. 2) Survey Sample President & CEO Chris Fanning explains why he bought MROps last week–and it isn’t for the reasons we thought. 3) Forrester Research VP Sheryl Pattek shares the general advice she gives her CMO clients: get and use outside research.