Clients & Data Quality: To Pay Or Not to Pay / RBDR

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July 1, 2021

Today on RBDR: DM2 founder & CEO Chuck Miller explains to RBDR the push-and-pull on sample pricing and the willingness of client researchers to cover improved, verified research project data quality costs.

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The End of “Flash.” IRI & GigWalk in-store services. EXPLOR Award nominations. (RBDR 9.3.2015)

Today on the Research Business DAILY Report:

1) Google Chrome is immediately stopping all use of flash, joining Mozilla and the Amazon Advertising Network.

2) Information Resources, Inc. partners with GigWalk to provide in-store services backed by mobile phone data collection and reporting.

3) The EXPLOR Award is seeking nominations for its 2015 announcement this November at the Market Research Event.

RBDR is sponsored today and this week by Decision Analyst, helping companies build stronger brands through advanced analytics.

You are invited to read Decision Analyst President Jerry Thomas’ article on making better sense of CPG new product sales projections. You can read it HERE.

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